Saturday, May 5, 2012

Korean Rapper E. Via

If you didn't know my love E.Via then you will now. She has recently released a new albumb and it's very different from her other stuff but I still love it do death. The music video from the new mini album is very dark too. It's definitely not that super bubbly, campy, music that I'm so use to seeing from other groups from Korea. I should probably take into mind though that in Korea her music is seen as crude and her debut album was banned from music programs. Here is her new music video! Also might I add this is the unedited version so it's not appropriate for all ages. (You can turn off my music player by the way)

Here is a few other things by her:

Well aside from my love of E.Via I'm not looking forward to today. School is going to be so boring and the likely hood of me getting a guest is very high. So I'm going to leave early today so that I can get a biscuit. I've been doing a very good job on eating, watching my calories, not binge eating, and still being able to loose weight. It makes me stoked. I hope to keep loosing weight and stay on the right track! Have a wonderful day!

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