Sunday, May 6, 2012

Crystal Power

So today has been very uneventful except I am on the last season of Sailor Moon. I have mixed emotions about it though because I never want Sailor Moon to end. I loved Sailor Moon since I was three years old and I've been in love with it ever since. I've also been getting the re-released Sailor Moon mangas. I'm so stoked for volume five to come out the eighth of this month.

I seriously can not wait. I'm so happy they decided to re-release them because I didn't get the read the mangas when they were first released because I was really young AND if I heard correctly in the first release the English translation didn't have Haruka and Michiru as lovers. I'm guessing it's for the same reason that they had them as 'cousions' in the English dubbed. I'm also happy that they also released Code Name Sailor V because I finally got to see what Sailor Venus was like before she was united with the other scouts. I've been thinking about giving the Sailor Moon live action show a try but I'm not sure how well I'd like it. It kind of reminds me of some old school Power Rangers.

I wish Naoko Takeuchi would have continued the series so we could see Chibiusa and the Amazon Quartet. They were my favourite bad guys from Sailor Moon to Sailor Moon SuperS. I say that because I haven't seen the Stars season. I also liked Fisheye but I hate how the dubbed version used a girl's voice instead of a really feminine boy's voice because the episode when you find out he has a chest instead of breasts is just so confusing. Oh! I was looking around on the Internet and I found a picture of four girls cosplaying as the Amazon Quartet! It's so amazing.

By the way, I'm in love with CereCere the master of flowers, if you didn't notice yet. She seems so lovely to me and I love her outfit and her hair. Well I guess I'm done talking about Sailor Moon for now.

Last night for Cinco de Mayo I went to a sports bar with some of my older friends. It made me feel so awkward because I was the only nineteen year old that they allowed to come in since I was their desginated drive. Never have I ever been so bored at a bar or a club. It was filled with women that were in their late forties and couldn't dance. Not to mention I was the tiny pink and purple hair girl that was bobbing around who got asked by the manager what I was drinking and I said "Shirley Temple" and he said "Looks like it" and then complimented me on my hat. He thought he was being sneaky coming up to me like that. It was some serious poo.
I've been thinking about changing my look around some. I'm not sure how yet but I really want to play around with different styles. Well before I drag this out for too long I'm going to end this and watch more Robot Chicken. I might just get pancakes tomorrow too. Bye!

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