Monday, May 21, 2012

The Body Still Remembers

I think I've figured out something new about myself today. My view of things are completely different from just any girl my age. I'm in my own dream world where in the end love will always prevail through the toughest of situations. I think anime, manga, and Mr. John Keats has corrupted my mind.
"I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections, and the truth of imagination.
-John Keats
"If only those words could be a magic spell that would make my heart more beautiful every time you said it, then I would become much kinder."
-Arina Tanemura
"Living things are restrained by Chains: The laws of nature, the flow of time, the vessel known as your “body”, and the existence called your mind. The one chain that people can wield: WORDS.”
-Yuuko Ichihara
"Sometimes, even when the heart forgets, the body still remembers"
-Yuuko Ichihara
I become putty when I think on all the wonderful things that I've read and seen. I probably seem silly though for thinking and talking about this. I always end up feeling like my emotions and thoughts are a waste of time and I should be just a shell of a human form. I imagine how beautiful the world could be but when I actually open my eyes I feel like everything is so corrupted. Gosh, now I'm getting all down just thinking about it all.

Have anyone seen all of Galaxy Angel? I watched a few episodes when I was younger but didn't get to far because I had dial-up then but I think it would be a good anime to start watching again sometime very soon.
Not to mention how cute it is!! I also really want to re-read and watch Magic Knight Rayearth. It was the first manga I've ever read.
Well, I'm going to end this post because I'm super sleepy. I'll actually have something to talk about when I wake up!
-Take Care

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