Saturday, June 16, 2012

Soft And Beautiful Hair

It seems that these past few weeks have flown by and in two weeks I will be graduating. I'm a tad stressed out about all the stuff that's going on but I'm trying to look forward to being back in Greenville in my house with all of my cleaning products. I miss things being organized. Well I'm about to tell you about a product that Paul Mitchell just released~ We call it the blonding system though the conditioner and shampoo can be used on any color of hair. Now this doesn't include the platinum shampoo because it has a purple mixture which is used to brighten blonde's hair. So this is what the Conditioner that I will be tell you about:
You can't really see the wording on the bottle but it says Intense Hydration and KerActive and those words are right on the mark for this product. I have a friend who's end were badly damaged from using an over-heated flat iron. You could see her split ends quite clearly until I used this conditioner. Not only did the appearance changed dramatically but so did the feel. Now I don't want you to think that this conditioner is going to make your hair look like you've just grown a whole new set of hair because somethings you just can't repair fully and you have to get it cut off sooner or later but I will say that this conditioner will most likely make you more satisfied with the look and the most important, the feel. When you are looking for this product please go to a salon to get it because if you have ever bought a Paul Mitchell product in a drug store and so on is counterfeit. John Paul DeJoria said in one of our educational videos that he doesn't distribute any of his products to non-salon franchises. So the products you see at Cosmo Prof, Ulta, and Sally's are real because they are stores meant for the hairstylist. I hope you can get your hands on this product because I LOVE it.

Well, I'm going back to sleep!
-Take Care


  1. Forever Blonde!! Nice review.
    I have natural black hair...Don't think I'll be using this. Thanks for sharing by the way ^^

    1. Hey dear, this conditioner is for damaged hair not just blonde hair ((: I have dyed black hair and it still does wonders also the smell is amazing. Thank you for reading. :D

  2. you have such a crazy hairstyle! so cool :3 i love vibrant colors, if i ever dye my hair it will be to turn it into blue or green or pink <3
    PS - love the pikachu song :3
    Love * Monstros no Armário
