Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Graduating Soon?!

So this Saturday I am graduating from cosmetology school and I can't wait. School is just a big stress giver since the people who run it don't have any knowledge of how to run a business. I really can't wait to move back home to my nice and organized rooms and beauty products.
I went back to Greenville this weekend and I had SO much fun! I got to see my friends Sinia and Michelle. Me and Sinia roasted marshmellows, watched Zombie Land, I cut and colored her hair, and we went shopping. Here is a picture of her hair. I did a purple ombre.
After I got back from their house me and my parents watched Sucker Punch and I have to say I loved it. I liked all of the themes it displayed and the soundtrack was amazing in my opinion. I'm wanting a large poster of it to put in one of my rooms.

Ugh! For some reason this morning I feel really sick but I'm not sure why. I couldn't sleep well last night either. I think it's my nerves getting to me. My brain has been over loaded by so much crap that has been going on. I've become confused on how I feel about a lot of stuff. I guess I should take on all of this one day at a time.
Oh! I just recently got an instagram! My user name is KuroUsagiTabi . I would love to follow you because right now my home screen is so empty. Well, I'm going to end this for now! Hopefully I will have some new products to talk about to make my blog more interesting. I also have some new circle lenses that I could review as well!

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Soft And Beautiful Hair

It seems that these past few weeks have flown by and in two weeks I will be graduating. I'm a tad stressed out about all the stuff that's going on but I'm trying to look forward to being back in Greenville in my house with all of my cleaning products. I miss things being organized. Well I'm about to tell you about a product that Paul Mitchell just released~ We call it the blonding system though the conditioner and shampoo can be used on any color of hair. Now this doesn't include the platinum shampoo because it has a purple mixture which is used to brighten blonde's hair. So this is what the Conditioner that I will be tell you about:
You can't really see the wording on the bottle but it says Intense Hydration and KerActive and those words are right on the mark for this product. I have a friend who's end were badly damaged from using an over-heated flat iron. You could see her split ends quite clearly until I used this conditioner. Not only did the appearance changed dramatically but so did the feel. Now I don't want you to think that this conditioner is going to make your hair look like you've just grown a whole new set of hair because somethings you just can't repair fully and you have to get it cut off sooner or later but I will say that this conditioner will most likely make you more satisfied with the look and the most important, the feel. When you are looking for this product please go to a salon to get it because if you have ever bought a Paul Mitchell product in a drug store and so on is counterfeit. John Paul DeJoria said in one of our educational videos that he doesn't distribute any of his products to non-salon franchises. So the products you see at Cosmo Prof, Ulta, and Sally's are real because they are stores meant for the hairstylist. I hope you can get your hands on this product because I LOVE it.

Well, I'm going back to sleep!
-Take Care

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love Spilled Over From Your First Words

So it turns out that I have acute bronchitis. I figured this much. I usually get really sick whenever the weather starts to do strange things. It's like my body doesn't know how to react to the humidity. Now I've lost my voice and have a nasty cough but I still have to go to school so I can graduate by the thirtieth.
Well getting sick did give me one thing, I got to go back home to see my doctor so I was able to open up a few of my packages I got in the mail.
Sorry for the quality because I took these photos on my phone but this right here is called a jitter bug! It vibrates to clean your contacts of protein build-up that gives the gritty feel. It also has a thirty day counter (I think the number is thirty) and will tell you when it's time to throw away your lenses though circle lenses usually last a year. It also has a mode where it pulsates throughout the night to keep the protein from building up. Oh! it has a suction cup too so that you can place it on your mirror. When I move back and start to wear my circle lenses again I hope to have a good review on the product after a month of being back. Here is a video I found on YouTube to show the pulsating.

I also got these adorable thigh garters! I can't wait to wear them out.
My, My Little Pony in human form print came in the mail too. I saw this and I thought it was so adorable. I'm usually embarrassed to buy things like this because it makes me feel like a little kid. I have no shame. Haha. also my "Never give up, be freED" bracelet came in and I'm so happy to have it.
I don't think I've shown this yet but one day when I was driving to my apartment my friend and me saw something really strange.
Yes, it's Garfield! Haha, I guess there is a first for everything.

Well, I'm going to get off of here and get ready for school. I probably should listen to the doctor's orders and stay home but I want to finish school as soon as possible. Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pale Noir

Sometimes I wish I was able to forget things easily but it's hard for me and it's eats me away from the inside. It's like a double end sword to me because I want to push all the memories out of my head and the next I want to hold on to every single feeling. It brings so much confusion to me. I finally let go of the girl I liked a lot but I had to. I was so bothered by what was happening that it affected my dreams at night and I couldn't sleep. Even last night I had a dream about her. On top of all my emotions going crazy I've been sick and it's been getting worse. It's not contagioues but it's allergies. It makes me super tired and I wish someone would make me some soup because I'm really bad at cooking. When I move back to Greenville I'm going to learn how to cook from my mom or take classes. I want to be able to make pasteries and other warm foods. I think they're the best.

So I decided to show you the lipgloss that I bought though I don't have any swatches and I haven't tried it yet but I couldn't resist putting these photos up of my purchase.
I really can't wait to try the lipgloss and the sample that the website gave me!
Well, unfortuneately I have to go to school though I'm super sick. I rather be sleeping.

Take Care!

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Life At School!

Today I'm feeling so much better than I did yesterday. To help me stay happy I'm going to keep reminding myself that school is almost over for me in three weeks. Ah, but I'm so nervous that I won't get all of my mark offs before then. It's time to buckle down and work even harder than I was before. I'm going to miss school but only because of my friends and the Take Home Team. I've worked so hard for the Take Home Team and I hope that the closet I work so hard on will remain well organized.
Here are some of my memories at school:
This is the Color Bar that I worked on with two other friends for a news crew!
I've met Linda Yodice. She was so nice.
I also met Kathy Buckley. She's hysterical!
I participated in help portrait and got to make a lot of people smile!
I did free hugs day too ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪
I also made a lot of friends too! Also school is where I met Rebekah who is one of my good friends now! She's in the last photo.
Well, I know I said I was going to show you all of the packages I got but I decided I want to swatch them for you as well! So please bare with me until I get everything ready! Gosh, I've seriously have been slacking.

Well, I'm going to go for now. (*^▽^)/

-Take Care

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I Lost My Fear Of Falling

So this week has been such a confusing one for me. I feel like my brain is melting from everything I've been put under. It's hard to believe that I only have one more month in Charlotte too. I can't even imagine what all I went through this year that I lived in Charlotte. When I first moved here I had mixed feelings. I was moving in with my best friend but I was going to miss my parents since we were trying to become closer. My friend only stayed with me for a week while she spent the rest of the first month in Virginia. She finally sent me a message on Facebook, yes Facebook, telling me that she wouldn't be living with me anymore because I was this horrible person and so forth. My thoughts were how would she even know what it was like to live with me when she was the one lying to me about her car being broken because if it was that bad she wouldn't be able to drive around like she would and since she was only here for a week and completely shut me down and pushed me away to where I couldn't fix a thing. She was my friend of five years and had made me out to be this horrible monster and left me out cold and dry. I became so lonely after that and my depression grew worse. My self-harming went to the next step. She came while I was at school and got her things plus a lot of things I needed like food, dish cleaner, laundry detergent, and more. I felt so helpless and that feeling followed me for a long time till I became very good friends with a girl named Rebekah. She understood my feelings and thoughts and we became closer and closer and now we are best friends! I'm so thankful for having her as a friend because who know what kind of mindset I would have been if she wasn't there to help me. I then met a girl named Brittney and we were like a little married couple. She would cook dinner for me and I would take her out on dates. It was so wonderful to me and I was head over heels in love with her. We spent almost every moment together and I thought it was the most beautiful feeling I could have ever have had. Then one day in December she got into a lot of trouble and her mother took her from Charlotte and made her move back to her hometown. The sad thing is that I didn't find out until the last day she was staying in Charlotte. Her friends even knew before me. She left January first and I wanted to still date her because she meant a lot to me. More and more time passed and she slowly stopped talking to me and when we finally broke up I felt no sadness. Since she ignored me so much it was easier for me to let go. I then found myself looking at this beautiful girl. I remember the first time I found myself attracted to her; she was helping me set up stock and re-organize everything. I loved how hard working she seemed and that gleam of ambition in her eyes. It took over me and I couldn't help but to fawn over her. When ever she looked at me with those eyes it made my heart race rapidly and not many people have that affect on me. I wanted her so I allowed myself to open up. I started talking to her more and more and more. She would give me these little smiles and act all bashful. She noticed things about me like how I always looked lonely, my half smile, when I was crying, and more. No one really realized those things about me but she did and it made me like her even more. I encouraged her to let herself go around me and be free; to try and give me a chance as a girl to make a relationship out of it. I found myself in this dizzy euphoria for a few weeks. She let me kiss her and miss her. I loved it so much. She was something new and refreshing to me. Everything was well until her birthday party when I realized how much I began to like her. I saw her dancing with other boys and all I could think is that I wish that could be me, I wish she didn't want to keep me as a hidden secret. She was so confused about me that she didn't want to make it public until she knew for sure. Back to that night though; I remember clearly how she held me and when she told me that I was still pretty when I cried. She made me feel so safe and I felt accepted. After that night things took a slight bump and then things got better but then things took a turn for the worse. She slowly stopped talking to me just like everyone else does. I tried to grasp on as tight as I could but everything slowly kept slipping through my hands. Ever since I was small I had to watch every single thing I cared for be ripped from under me and I didn't want to loose that comfortable feeling she gave me but there was no stopping it. She says that she doesn't want to get attached to me but that's what I need. I want someone to put their faith in me because I won't let them drown. She's so dead set on her want of not wanting to get attached to me that I'm now helpless. I can't do a thing to make things better and so many people talk to me. "She used you", "She doesn't really want you", "She's lying"; These people were people looking from the outside and didn't really know her so I tired to keep those words in the back of my mind though they ate me up through the inside. Now I don't even know if she really cared about me and we don't even talk anymore. It makes me so upset because I wanted things to work. I'm tired of being the one to always mess every single thing up and can never keep a thing alive. My mind is just so confused. I want to have one thing in my life that is a constant because all of these twist and turns just make me dizzy and I'm not sure on how to handle anything.

Sorry for the long and blah-ish post. There is too much on my mind.

-Take Care