Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birthdays and Nyanpire

This is going to be my last post until Tuesday afternoon because after school I'm driving a two hour drive to my home in South Carolina for my Papa's birthday. I'm actually really excited and will be taking a ton of pictures for me to post on here!
Also, I'm going to get the diamond of my dermal changed! I've had it done for a little bit over a year now and for some reason it has green stuff inside the diamond. Hopefully changing the diamond will go well and not be ripped out of my chest. Gosh, that sounds bad. Now if all of that doesn't cost much then I'm going to buy a Nyanpire plushie! Ah, it makes me so excited! If you haven't seen Nyanpire I suggest you go and watch a few episodes. It's about this cute cat who was on the brink of dying when a vampire found him and gave Nyanpire his blood. The episodes are around four to five minutes long so it's pretty much short and sweet. (: I'll post a few pictures!

So if you get the chance to see it I promise that you will most likely find it super cute! Well I have to go pack and get ready for school! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and if you want to keep posted on real time (I guess that's what you would call it) follow me on twitter! Bye! And hopefully I will have more to talk about next time!

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