Monday, April 30, 2012

Purity Ring

Sometimes I wonder if I should talk about my problems out in the open. Sorta like an AA meeting. I bottle up every single emotion and not even my therapist could get inside my brain. I know how to answer the questions and the worksheets never worked. I build this satisfied persona around people and I don't think I've ever been actually raw to someone. I think why I'm so scared to talk about it is because I don't want to look different to the person I explain it to. I know I shouldn't be worried about how people perceive me but I just can't help it. All of the damage done to me when I was younger followed me. Over and over again the same thing every day. The reason why I want to talk about my problems is because a few of my friends on my other twitter account have been tweeting about how they are recovering by talking about it. They seem to be happier and happier each day though there is an occasional slip up. In the community we lean on one another, help each other, and listen to one another without criticism. It feels good talking it out. I feel like it's cleansing my memories and instead of suffocating I'm breathing them out.

Take Care!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Always Confused

Sorry I haven't really said much in a few days. I've been feeling sort of down. I'm suppose to take the girl I like out on a date but I don't think it's going to happen today or tomorrow.

Lately I've been thinking about how I'm really into Gyaru fashion and so on but I don't think I could ever completely commit to it. I don't want to get picked on and be called a "weebo". I'm a really diverse person and I love a lot of different trends. I don't want to have to select one thing. For instance I like Lolita, Gyaru, Gothic, vintage, and so forth but like I said before it really puts me in a bind because I don't want to feel limited. Haha, the different ways I dress do coincide with my music though. Poo. I wish I knew what to do. Well that's all I have to say for today. Here is a picture of my nails that I did (The thumb is a cupcake but I don't have the picture on my comp.):

Take Care ~

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Moving To Fast

So my whole weekend has been this big mass of confusion. On Saturday night I went to my Papa's birthday and a girl I use like wanted to see me. Let me tell you that for the past month she has been very flirtatious towards me and has this "horrible girlfriend" but ignores me when I tried to understand what she really feels about me. When I think about it though I'm sort of glad about it because I can try to focus more of my attention on someone that's sweet as can be but is confused about me.

On a different note I will be moving back to South Carolina at the end of June. I'm having a ton of mixed feelings about it though. I'm just going to miss the friends I have in Charlotte really. I've become super close to two people who attend my school and I'm really liking the girl that is confused about me who also attends my school.

When I arrived home I came home to a lot of packages and I went shopping with my mom. So I'm going to post pictures of all the things I've gotten.

I have a small review that I've done. The first one is OXY's Spot Treatment. Lately I've been extremely stressed out and when I'm stressed I break out. My forehead and face were horrible and it made me feel like crap because that was the first time I broke out that much. Well, I've used this product before but I didn't realize how well it worked until now. In about two days I could see a noticeable difference and now it's almost completely gone!
The next product I will be talking about is Pure Romance's Coochy rash-free shaving cream. I was amazed on how well this product worked as well. When shaving, I get a lot of razor bumps because my skin is so sensitive but when I applied the shaving cream it was comparable to being waxed. Razor bump free and happy. All you have to do with this product is apply it to the area you wish to shave and let it sit for about two to three minutes and go about shaving. It also can be used as a moisturizing shampoo.
That's it for now. I'm getting super tired and I have to figure out a "summer time" outfit to go along with the launch of product this month. Wish me luck with tomorrow!

Take Care!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birthdays and Nyanpire

This is going to be my last post until Tuesday afternoon because after school I'm driving a two hour drive to my home in South Carolina for my Papa's birthday. I'm actually really excited and will be taking a ton of pictures for me to post on here!
Also, I'm going to get the diamond of my dermal changed! I've had it done for a little bit over a year now and for some reason it has green stuff inside the diamond. Hopefully changing the diamond will go well and not be ripped out of my chest. Gosh, that sounds bad. Now if all of that doesn't cost much then I'm going to buy a Nyanpire plushie! Ah, it makes me so excited! If you haven't seen Nyanpire I suggest you go and watch a few episodes. It's about this cute cat who was on the brink of dying when a vampire found him and gave Nyanpire his blood. The episodes are around four to five minutes long so it's pretty much short and sweet. (: I'll post a few pictures!

So if you get the chance to see it I promise that you will most likely find it super cute! Well I have to go pack and get ready for school! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and if you want to keep posted on real time (I guess that's what you would call it) follow me on twitter! Bye! And hopefully I will have more to talk about next time!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Diets And Home

Lately I've been eating a lot of candy and junk food. Though it's good, it's completely against my diet. So for the next few days I'm going to be crash dieting because on Wednesday I have to wear my bathing suit to school apparently. With that a side, I had a very good day today. The person I like spent the night at my house and brought me back from school to my apartment because of my car trouble. This time when me said good-bye she hugged me and kissed me first. It makes me feel ecstatic.

Tomorrow I'm going to be heading back to home right after school. I'm a tad worry about tomorrow though. I feel like I have horrible luck with getting really rude guests. So hotpefully my walk-in client will be nice and want something super simple. Well, I'm getting super tired now for some reason.

Take Care!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

First Post And Car Issues!

So, I'm really new to this blog site because I'm so use to tumblr but I want to have two separate blogs so I can have one for inspirational and the other for my daily life things! Hopefully I'll get the hang of this soon.

Well today my car broke down on the way home from cosmetology school. It stresses me out really bad because this weekend I'm suppose to go back home to South Carolina to see my family for my PaPa's birthday. Okay, that's all for now! I'm going to keep working on this blog.