Thursday, August 2, 2012

To Keep Them Crawlers Out

So unfortunately I am way to pale to be at the beach. Haha. I put SPF50 on, I wasn't outside in the sun a lot, and some how I still end up looking like salami on my legs. I could barely stand from how raw they were. At least one of the days that I was on the beach I got to see wild dolphins. Applesauce.

So, I've decided that once I get back home I'm going to be buying this Sailor Cosmos figure.
If you didn't know Sailor Cosmos is one of my favourite Sailor Scouts. My mom when I was younger, made me a Sailor Cosmos outfit for Halloween once and it was amazing how close she got to the real thing. I felt so proud to be prancing around as Sailor Cosmos. Well the figure looks like this:
Just thinking about having this figure in my possession makes me absolutely thrilled. I also have a bunch of other things in mind for buying plus I STILL have to do a few reviews on some of my products I got awhile back. I really need to get everything re-organized. It would make this all so much easier to do. I don't do well when everything is cluttered and messy. It just confuses me. Haha.

Okay, So I know not everyone is fond of SuG but in all honesty I love them. I listen to a wide variety of music anyways and if it makes me happy or strikes some sort of emotion then I like it. Plus not to mention watching their behind the scenes of music videos is super funny to me at least.
Here is their behind the scenes for "Love Scream Party" and here is the music video.

Now Purity Ring!
I am in LOVE with this band. Every single song that they release I love.

Okay! Well I'm going to take my salami legs and try to do something tonight! Take Care!!

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