Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hey everyone! Sorry I've been missing for a few weeks. I just recently rekindled my friendship with one of my very good friends from high school and we've been running around having a ton of fun.
I've been trying to turn my life around because I got in a really bad rut and all the changes I've been making have really helped me out a lot. I think I'm safe to say I'm starting to actually be happy with my life. It's sometimes really hard for me to be happy because I'm a very kind person and a lot of people lately have been walking all over me. Well, I'm sorry I'm making this so short but I will be back soon! I'm still trying to straighten out my life.
Take care!!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Hey everyone! I actually have a lot of pictures from today. I got to go to an alligator farm, feed alligators, watch the big ones get fed, and other random wildlife that was in this zoo.
When you first walked in to the actual zoo part you saw little alligators. I really think alligators are super cute and they amaze me.
These were the first alligators that you saw when you walked into the zoo. Most of the simulated enviorments had turtles in them. I couldn't help but to be excited.
We then saw an albino alligator and I thought they were so pretty. My favourite alligator by far. They said that these gators were very rare and they only have two. By the way, this gator farm had every gator type in the world.
This farm also had different types of birds. Here is a too can.
They had an area where you could feed gators little pellets. Many different gators came swarming in.
There was also some gators laying down just waiting for something to happen. It's funny how still they can be. Gators will eat pretty much anything from insects to animals.
We also got to see some alligators get fed. They were so big. By the way..My camera has a really good zoom. Hahaha. I don't think I would want to actually be this close to such a big gator.
The zoo also had this komodo dragon. It's my first time seeing one in real life. They resemble lizards so much in my opinion. Which by the way I also took a picture of this little baby lizard. Haha.
Then got to see this super big python. I've never seen a snake this big before.
Now this big guy, his name is Maximo..for obvious reasons. If I heard correctly someone said he was about eighty years old. His lady friend who was laying eggs was so small compared to him.
I forgot what this bird was called. I really loved the colors though.
This cute fellow is some type of squirrel.
I forgot what this snake was called but I loved the colours on his body.
They also had a salt water tank with these cute clown fish!
I thought this alligator was so cute.
Haha, another colourful bird.
A Chinese alligator!
A this amazingly cute turtle!! It was super big
My mom also got me an albino stuffed animal. I just need to figure out a name for it.
Well I'm going to end this post here because I've been trying to upload this for about three hours now. >~< The internet connection isn't so great tonight. Take Care!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

To Keep Them Crawlers Out

So unfortunately I am way to pale to be at the beach. Haha. I put SPF50 on, I wasn't outside in the sun a lot, and some how I still end up looking like salami on my legs. I could barely stand from how raw they were. At least one of the days that I was on the beach I got to see wild dolphins. Applesauce.

So, I've decided that once I get back home I'm going to be buying this Sailor Cosmos figure.
If you didn't know Sailor Cosmos is one of my favourite Sailor Scouts. My mom when I was younger, made me a Sailor Cosmos outfit for Halloween once and it was amazing how close she got to the real thing. I felt so proud to be prancing around as Sailor Cosmos. Well the figure looks like this:
Just thinking about having this figure in my possession makes me absolutely thrilled. I also have a bunch of other things in mind for buying plus I STILL have to do a few reviews on some of my products I got awhile back. I really need to get everything re-organized. It would make this all so much easier to do. I don't do well when everything is cluttered and messy. It just confuses me. Haha.

Okay, So I know not everyone is fond of SuG but in all honesty I love them. I listen to a wide variety of music anyways and if it makes me happy or strikes some sort of emotion then I like it. Plus not to mention watching their behind the scenes of music videos is super funny to me at least.
Here is their behind the scenes for "Love Scream Party" and here is the music video.

Now Purity Ring!
I am in LOVE with this band. Every single song that they release I love.

Okay! Well I'm going to take my salami legs and try to do something tonight! Take Care!!