Friday, October 12, 2012

I Drive Fast, I am Alone In The Night.

So I've come up with the idea that I will try to at least post once a week. The reason why it's been so hard for me to post more often is because my house doesn't have Internet so I have to go to my uncle's to get on. So,  I'm trying to write my posts out at home and then post them when I get online.
I've finally decided to take my state board so I can get a job. I'm very excited about it and hope that I will pass my first time. I'm also very excited for Halloween to come up! Halloween is one of my favourite time of the year because I actually can decorate my room without having to buy things online. I also enjoy looking at every one's costumes and visiting haunted houses!
Ah! I have shoe unboxing photos! These shoes are Jeffery Campbell Stinger Spikes from SoleStruck. They fit true to size and they make me extremely tall. So far I've been able to walk in them decently but unfortunately my short attention span because a problem and I forget what I'm wearing and fall. Darn shiny things for being so distracting. Otherwise when I concentrate I'm able to walk just fine. I did have a few spikes fall out from me falling so much but the concept to get them back in though actually getting them in can be a bit of a challenge. What you have to do is press the bottom of the spike through the hole but you have to push fairly hard. Over all though I love them to death!
This week has been a real challenge for me. Not to long ago I tried dating a boy and that only lasted for about four days. I ended up breaking up with him because I felt like he wasn't giving me enough attention. All I asked of him was to at least talk to me for five minutes everyday so I can know how he's doing and if he had a good day but I couldn't even get that. I felt bad a few days later when all my friends told me I shouldn't. So I ended up apologizing and then I told him I'd give him another chance. Not even a week later he makes me feel like crap again. I don't see why it's so hard for someone to talk to someone that they "care" about for at least five minutes. I try very hard to be nice, fair, and understanding but I feel like I get no where. All people ever want is to use me and I'm done with it. I don't want to go back to feeling like I'm beneath everybody so hopefully I can gain some inner strength and stop people from hurting me. I would like to say though that the friendships I have now are amazing ones. Also I've met a very sweet girl recently! Her name is Lexi. I'm curious as to what can happen between us.